Monthly Shaarli

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January, 2014

The Bad Kind of Unionism | Jacobin

On police unions.

"Police don’t have to enjoy breaking up protests; they don’t have to be racists or hate homeless people. But once they decide to do their jobs, institutional exigencies overwhelm personal volition."

"The homeless man arrested for public intoxication has been treated more punitively than the Wall Street trader whose avarice breeds homelessness. This is the system the police, prison guards, and the border patrol maintain."

"The cop who rallies for collective bargaining today will be protecting Goldman Sachs tomorrow."

Crates and Hipparchia: Cynic Handbook
Magonismo: An Overview

"Ricardo Flores Magón is one of the most important anarchists in the history of the Americas. The movement he led and inspired shook the Mexican state in the early 20th century and helped lay the foundations for the Mexican revolution of 1910."

"In Defense of Emma Goldman and the Right of Expropriation" by Voltairine de Cleyre

One of my favorite speeches by Voltairine de Cleyre (of the few I've read so far).

Are gay marriage advocates ignoring some LGBT people's fight to survive? | Al Jazeera America

I'm glad to see this perspective represented on a popular news site.

“What would be good for most people — regardless of marital status — is a more equitable distribution of wealth in this country, access to health care, education, and livable-wage jobs,” Essig said. “Marriage is, once these things are achieved, a personal choice. But until everyone has access to these things, marriage is a sign of privileging a minority of Americans.”

List of Cynic philosophers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Chronological list of Cynic philosophers

Lives & Writings on the Cynics - Lucian of Samosata Wiki

Very handy collection of sources covering some of the lesser-known cynics.

ainrialai gives a nice overview of various socialist tendencies on reddit
Ukrainian anarchist dispels myths surrounding Euromaidan protests, warns of fascist influence -

This interview is the most clarifying account of the Ukrainian situation I've found yet.

"Asheville Fm radio, based in western North Carolina, aired a fascinating interview with an anarcho-syndicalist named Denys, from the Autonomous Worker’s Union in Ukraine. In the interview, Denys debunks many of the myths surrounding the Euromaidan protests in Ukraine, and explains motives behind the stories and propaganda being circulated around the protests."

An update from the same group:

Ricardo Flores Magon Academy: Why was embattled school named for anarchist writer?

Whenever I walk down Lowell Blvd I see this little elementary school, Ricardo Flores Magon Academy, and I wonder what its story is and if the local community has ties to Magonismo. According to this Westword article, it's just a charter school with no anarchist influence which was named after Magon rather arbitrarily simply because of his status as a Mexican folk hero. A little bit disappointing.