Monthly Shaarli

All links of one month in a single page.

February, 2014

Colorado’s Federal Supermax Prison Is Force-Feeding Inmates on Hunger Strike | The Nation

"The image of Fahad’s torture is not that of a person being led around an interrogation room on a dog leash, or held in a stress position with heavy-metal music blasting. It is a person sitting still in a small cell, slowly deteriorating in a modern prison on the outskirts of a small Colorado town."

Work It | Jacobin

"Simply saying we should improve the quality and reduce the duration of work doesn’t allow us to ask whether that work needs to exist at all."

"giving workers voice within the institution of wage labor can never fundamentally call the premises of that institution into question. For that, you need the real right of Exit, not just from particular jobs but from the labor market as a whole."

Anarchism: An Introductory Bibliography | Anarcho-Syndicalist Review

I'm never going to read all of these.

In Spite of Political Prosecution, Jury Acquits ‘NATO 3′ of All Terrorism Charges | The Dissenter

“There have not been very many terrorism cases that the government or the state hasn’t won in this country, which should tell you something right there. This is a huge, huge victory against the war on terror, which ought to be re-examined.”

All of Kevin Gosztola's reporting on the trial:

Is the US backing neo-Nazis in Ukraine? -

For a balancing view, see Timothy Snyder's upcoming The New York Review article:

[Table] DebateAnarchism: I am a neo-Proudhonian anarchist/mutualist. AMA. : tabled

Shawn Wilbur answers questions about mutualism over at reddit's /r/DebateAnarchism. (This is a link to the handy table-formatted version.)

Anarchism - reading guide |

"'s reading guide on anarchism, anarchist theorists and their development through history."

Mostly the classics.

Anger in Bosnia, but this time the people can read their leaders' ethnic lies | Slavoj Žižek | Comment is free | The Guardian

"In short, we are dealing with a rebellion against nationalist elites: the people of Bosnia have finally understood who their true enemy is: not other ethnic groups, but their own leaders who pretend to protect them from others. It is as if the old and much-abused Titoist motto of the "brotherhood and unity" of Yugoslav nations acquired new actuality."

Interview: Shawn Wilbur Introduces the Life and Work of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
Spring Came Early This Year in Bosnia | VICE United States

"But are the protests really as anti-nationalist and class conscience as we might hope? Or are they merely an outlet to the rising frustration and narrowing options for BiH’s youth? I talked to Minel Abaz, a student activist and organizer from Sarajevo, to find out."

2014 unrest in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The 2014 unrest in Bosnia and Herzegovina is a series of demonstrations and riots that began in the northern town of Tuzla on 4 February 2014, but quickly spread to multiple cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina."

I read revision 595164490:

Sow hunger, reap anger: why Bosnia is burning | ROAR Magazine

"Now Bosnia is really joining Europe — but from quite another perspective as the one originally imagined by the European bureaucrats: its squares are burning like those in Greece, Spain and Turkey."