Weekly Shaarli

All links of one week in a single page.

Week 23 (June 1, 2020)

Stop blaming everything bad on anarchists

Kim Kelly got a nice op ed about anarchism published in the Washington Post

66 Days

Joshua Clover, as usual, with the good takes on the current riots.

The Christians Who Loved Trump’s Stunt

"To Trump, the Bible and the church are not symbols of faith; they are weapons of culture war. And to many of his Christian supporters watching at home, the pandering wasn’t an act of inauthenticity; it was a sign of allegiance—and shared dominance."

Modern Monetary Theory: Neither modern, nor monetary, nor (mainly) theoretical ? — Crooked Timber

This book review was helpful for someone like me who has heard of MMT but can't quite distinguish how it differs from standard Keynesian theory.