Monthly Shaarli

All links of one month in a single page.

December, 2012

Orson Scott Card: State job is not to redefine marriage

The one where Orson Scott Card calls for the overthrow of any government which licenses same-sex marriage.

P2P Foundation » Blog Archive » The Guerilla Open Access Manifesto

“… as if sharing a wealth of knowledge were the moral equivalent of plundering a ship and murdering its crew. But sharing isn’t immoral — it’s a moral imperative.” Aaron Swartz will always be a hero of mine for that time he almost freed five million articles from JSTOR.

Bitcoin Prevents Monetary Tyranny - Forbes

Bitcoin is not about making rapid global transactions with little or no fee. Bitcoin is about preventing monetary tyranny. That is its raison d’être.

Methuselah’s choice

Some interesting thoughts on lifespan and population size.

Diode's Appalachian Trail Hikes (2011/2012)

I spent three months hiking the northern half of the Appalachian Trail in 2011, covering 1,200 miles from Harper’s Ferry, WV, to the end of the trail on Mt. Katahdin in Maine. I returned in 2012 to hike the southern half (~1,000 miles). I hiked the entire distance in two pairs of Crocs-brand shoes. This page includes the trail reports I periodically made via email, an annotated interactive map, and other info.

Denver Reminds Us Laws Have Human Consequences
Homelessness Becomes A Crime In Hungary : NPR
Cities Across America are banning helping the homeless
6 Things Rich People Need to Stop Saying |

Haha. Oh, rich people, you so rich.

Bosses Don't Wear Bunny Slippers: If Markets Are So Great, Why Are There Firms? | Library of Economics and Liberty

An easy to read introduction to the theory of firms. Of course firms do not need to be ‘hierarchical organizations that are internally directed by command and control.’ They could be cooperatively owned and operated by the workers.

The True History of the Monopoly Game

The game of Monopoly has its origins in a game meant to demonstrate the principles of Georgism.

Veblen’s Institutionalist Elaboration of Rent Theory | Michael Hudson

“Veblen put forth a basic distinction between the productiveness of ‘industry’ run by skilled engineers, which manufactures real goods of utility, and the parasitism of ‘business,’ which exists only to make profits for a leisure class which engages in ‘conspicuous consumption’. The only economic contribution by the leisure class is ‘economic waste’, activities that contribute negatively to productivity. By implication, Veblen saw the US economy as being made inefficient and corrupt by men of ‘business’ who deviously put themselves in an indispensable position in society.”

Photos: Cries of "Shame!" as camping ban passes at tense council meeting
Attorney: "NATO 3" Activists Detained on Terror Charges in Chicago Are Victims of Police Entrapment
You Are Not The Target Audience

The best essay I’ve read on the purpose of breaking windows as a form of propaganda of the deed: “when an activist tamely busts some window they’re obviously not trying to win by depriving the state of glass surfaces. This too is outreach of a form. But you are not the target audience … That’s why politicians and police consistently go apeshit over things like measly storefront windows. Their control is dependent in no small part on being seen in control. Certain boundaries to what’s considered feasible must be secured at all cost lest they begin to loose the illusion of invulnerability that dissuades the subjugated from rising up. No one in power gets hysterical when a common thief, for example, breaks a window because thieves are perceived as part of the same ecosystem of exploitation in which cops and CEOs position themselves as the apex predators. Political vandalism is potent in part precisely because it risks much for no personal gain. It announces a violation of the established rules"

Occupy Denver, ACLU and Coalition For the Homeless team to oppose urban camping ban
My Arresting Experience and Photos From the Occupy SF 888 Turk Street Occupation

Some photos and a first-hand account of being arrested at the 888 Turk squat in San Francisco yesterday.

Occupy Denver: Hickenlooper, Hancock called hypocrites at benefit to feed homeless

This is a protest I went to back in November. State troopers under Governor Hickenlooper and Denver police under Mayor Hancock had just arrested dozens of people at the Occupy Denver camps and confiscated food and supplies from the kitchen, and then they were made the “guests of honor” at a Denver homeless shelter’s Thanksgiving dinner. It was pathetic.

Occupy Wall Street Library Sues City, NYPD For Destroying 2,800 Books

Cops really hate tents; but they also don’t care much for books.

Molly Crabapple: My arrest at Occupy Wall Street

I disagree with her: protest chants almost never feel meaningful.

Ask a Gay Christian...(Response)

An interview with Justin Lee, the director of The Gay Christian Network. Some good questions and answers.

Transcript of Dateline NBC's Exposé of Gabriel of Sedona

After I posted three links to a video of a Dateline episode featuring a small Arizona religious group, two of the three hosts received DMCA take-down notices from the group’s lawyer and took down the video. So I pulled out my stenotype keyboard and made this quick transcript of the 40-minute program. Corrections welcome.

Cult News Network

User-submitted links to information on various religious groups.

An invitation to participate in a community of deception

Fred Clark on why some church people like to believe silly things.

SOPA Is The Problem And Not The Solution. - A+K

Asthon Kutcher on SOPA

Rousseau's Theory of the State

Mikhail Bakunin on social contract theory.

Once-Loud Opposition to Gay Marriage Has Quieted

“That sound you don’t hear — the absence of outrage over marriage rights, and gay spokespeople for middle-American companies — is the sound of social change.”

Rocketpunk Manifesto: Goodbye, Westphalia

Nice short introduction to neomedievalism. The rest of this weblog is fun to read, too.

Occupy Denver update: 100-plus arrests, more charges added, one case misplaced

The DA recently added a charge of trespassing and one of interfering with a law officer to my case (and offered me a deferred judgment, which I refused).

Death of a data haven: cypherpunks, WikiLeaks, and the world’s smallest nation

James Grimmelmann’s fascinating condensed history of Sealand, a micro-nation on a platform in the North Sea, and the attempt to run a data center there.

"You Who are the Bureaucrats of Empire, Remember Who We Are"

Wow. A speech given by Don Mitchell to students at Syracuse University learning how to rule the world: “I find the construction of the American Empire to be utterly reprehensible. I find our diplomatic and military hypocrisy not only on the world stage but at home too to be abhorrent. I find our - that is my and your state’s - role in the world, a role defined by the raw exercise of power, a startling ignorance of what other peoples are like and what they want, to be a sheer exercise not only in arrogance, but in violent bloody-mindedness. I find our reliance on force, on arms, on the technology of death, coupled with our disregard for others' lives - the thousands of Afghani civilians directly killed by our bombs as they missed Mohammed Omar and Osama bin Laden; the at least ten thousands Iraqis so far killed; the fifty to hundred thousand killed in Dresden; the more than a hundred thousand incinerated or condemned to a cancerous death in Hiroshima and Nagasaki; the two million Vietna

Karl Marx: 10 great quotes on his birthday
Dump the Statist Monkey Off Your Back

Kevin Carson gives the standard left-libertarian view of the state as an economic siphon to make possible a parasitic rentier class.

People Not Profit - Issue 1

My “I Was Arrested at Occupy Denver” essay is included as page 6 of this publication.

"Nation state" - Wikipedia
Jesus Christ, Pirate

A satire of the entertainment industry’s rent-seeking, set in the first century near the Sea of Galilee.

Is Mormonism Ridiculous?
I Was A Teenage Anarchist

Laura Jane Grace gives the backstory to Against Me!'s song “I Was a Teenage Anarchist”

The Only Thing Governments Have Done - YouTube

Riot Folk song by Ryan Harvey

What Happened to My CCM? | Christianity Today

“Music has changed in a generation — the bands, the industry. Oh, and me”

Young Persons Called to Private Grand Jury for Owning Books

Reportedly, the FBI search warrant was for black clothing, paint, sticks, computers and cell phones, and ‘anarchist materials or literature.’ According to an FBI Domestic Terrorism guide published by, “anarchists are criminals seeking an ideology to justify their actions,” and are “not dedicated to a particular issue.” Common meeting places are “college campuses, underground clubs, coffee houses/ internet cafes.” The implication is that owning “anarchist” literature is enough to indicate to the FBI that one is a criminal – even if that person happens to be a student studying political thought. Or maybe particularly if you are a student – the FBI document states that anarchists are “educated persons of various backgrounds, often students.”

Max Stirner (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

“The historical impact of The Ego and Its Own is not easy to assess. However, Stirner’s book can plausibly be claimed to have had an immediate and destructive impact on contemporary left-Hegelianism, to have played a significant role in the intellectual development of Karl Marx (1818–1883), and to have influenced the tradition of individualist anarchism.”

A Chinese Diogenes | Chinese Æsop:
Penn's Obama Rant - YouTube

My fellow teetotaler gives a righteous rant on the Obama administration’s hypocritical drug policies: “it’s not a god damned joke! People who smoke marijuana must be set free. It is insane to lock people up.”

The Music of Occupy « The Rustbelt Radical

A nice post by the Rustbelt Radical sampling some of the music that has come out of the Occupy movement.

New World Encyclopedia

This is an interesting instance of a curated Wikipedia spin-off project. It consists of Wikipedia articles re-written with a value-biased policy (to promote “happiness, prosperity, and world peace”) by a much more closed group of editors. I read the article on Tolstoy, which is adapted from a 2005 Wikipedia article, and thought it was well edited (and conveniently shorter than the current WP version).

How students are painting Montreal red
United States of America vs George Donnelly: How US Marshals Framed a Peaceful Photographer

George Donnelly’s account of being attacked and framed by US Marshals while filming his friends passing out jury nullification pamphlets outside a federal courthouse. This is the kind of thing that will make you hate cops.

YouTube: Pussy Riot's Punk Prayer in an Eastern Orthodox Church

Three members of Pussy Riot are serving two year prison sentences for creating this video.

Living Under Drones

“The best currently available public aggregate data on drone strikes are provided by The Bureau of Investigative Journalism (TBIJ), an independent journalist organization. TBIJ reports that from June 2004 through mid-September 2012, available data indicate that drone strikes killed 2,562-3,325 people in Pakistan, of whom 474-881 were civilians, including 176 children.[3] TBIJ reports that these strikes also injured an additional 1,228-1,362 individuals. Where media accounts do report civilian casualties, rarely is any information provided about the victims or the communities they leave behind.”

See also Kevin Gosztola’s summary:

[May 25, 2017]: The domain is currently not resolving. But the Standford project page and the wayback machine cache are available:

A Few Thoughts on the Second Circuit’s DOMA Decision

‘The key move in Judge Jacobs’ opinion is concluding that sexual orientation is a “quasi-suspect” class justifying intermediate scrutiny. This requires the federal government to show that its policy is substantially related to an important governmental interest.’

The Thief Who Stole Knowledge

About Aaron Swartz’s run-in with JSTOR and MIT

From encryption to darknets: As governments snoop, activists fight back | Ars Technica

The state of mobile privacy and encryption

Randall Amster: Scenes From an Airport Restaurant

The Seattle airport has a downstairs area away from restaurants with benches, tables, and [a few] outlets.

Homeless by Choice: How to Live for Free in America

“More than a decade ago, Daniel Suelo closed his bank account and moved into a desert cave. Here’s how he eats, sleeps, and evades the law.” Some day I will buy an acre of desert and live kind of like this guy — only with more computers.

Clearwater poised to institute more laws that target the homeless - Tampa Bay Times

The city of Clearwater, FL, is set to criminalize homelessness. They’re looking at both a daytime ban on sitting and a nighttime ban on sleeping.

Movement of the Day: the Las Indias cooperative movement

He describes the movement by five main values: Distributed network architectures, transnationality, economic democracy, hacker ethics, and devolutionism (returning all products back to the commons). Sounds about right.

Understanding Economics - Site Map

Looks like a good introduction to Georgism

Homeless feeding bans: Well-meaning policy or war on the poor?
A Brief Anti-Economist History

Free trade is not free, money is debt, and people do not prefer to be wage labourers.

Should Occupy Use Violence? I Dunno — Should the Cops?

Kevin Carson weighs in on the controversy over the legitimacy of violence in protests: "The state is simply a group of human beings cooperating for common purposes — purposes frequently at odds with those of other groups of people, like the majority of people in the same society. And violent actions by an association of individuals who call themselves ‘the state’ have no more automatic legitimacy than violent actions by associations of individuals who call themselves ‘the Ku Klux Klan’ or ‘al Qaeda.’"

Anaheim Police Deals with Community Upset at Their Propensity for Shooting at Them By Shooting at Them Even More
Hedging Our Bets on the Black Bloc - by Zakk Flash

Zakk Flash responds to Chris Hedges' criticisms of the black bloc tactic.

Occupy Denver: Mercer Lewis, first arrestee to face jury trial, is acquitted

Although the charges and disputed facts in his case are different than mine, this is encouraging!

Pancho’s Message to the 100%

Pancho was arrested while meditating at Occupy Oakland and nearly deported. As far as I know after his release he has not been deported to date. See also his interview on Democracy Now! (

David Graeber: New Police Strategy in New York – Sexual Assault Against Peaceful Protestors

This is disturbing. Some in the OWS movement think the focus should be on corporate influence over politics (instead of police misconduct). But here Graeber reports the NYPD being violent, targeting women, and doing it for the sake of the banks. They’re not separate issues.

Arrests & Police Brutality: Members of Occupy share their stories

I responded to a questionnaire from the citizen journalist who wrote this article, and am quoted in it along with two other activists who were arrested at Occupy-related events (one from the West Coast and one from Australia). I think I came off sounding like I was trying to be insightful without actually being very insightful (someone remind me never to talk to a reporter in real life!), but at least she used my ‘cops hate tents’ quote to close the article. (I don’t know what the ‘police brutality’ bit in the title has to do with anything; I don’t think any of us were brutalized or witnessed brutality.)

WSO Writes To Montreal Soccer Organization To Reverse Turban Ban

This anti-religious fashion police stuff is stupid authoritarianism dressed up as enlightened thinking.

A 1998 Undercover Report About Gabriel Of Sedona/Urantia (Updated) | NHNE Pulse
Candy canes and the manufacture of evangelical resentment

“Candy canes occupy an awkward place in the candy taxonomy.” I don’t quite understand the urge to invent history in an attempt at authenticating an idea. Whether it’s Joseph Smith and his Native American wars, so many gurus and their past lives (usually as famous historical figures), or “a candymaker in Indiana.” It doesn’t help.

Exposing the ‘Keep Marriage Special’ campaign « Queers For Jesus
Ken Ham’s biblical exegesis is just as sound as his science

When atheists sound like fundamentalist Christians.

Jesus Christ Against Westphalian Leviathans by Alexandre Christoyannopoulos

A fairly concise introduction to Christian anarchism by one of the most active academics researching the topic.

Photos: Project Homeless Connect draws thousands against backdrop of camping ban - Denver
Libertarianism...Starting Now!
Bits & Pieces on Free Market Anti-Capitalism: the Many Monopolies

Expanding on Tucker’s four monopolies of the state

"Left-libertarianism" - Wikipedia

Count me in the left-wing market anarchist school.

The Right to Occupy: A few thoughts on Don Mitchell’s The Right to the City and Chris Hedges’s “The Cancer of Occupy”

Don Mitchell coined the phrase ‘annihilation of property by law’ to describe the legal exclusion of the public (including the homeless) from ‘public’ spaces. Last year’s Occupy evictions show the violence cities are willing to inflict to so annihilate their public spaces.

Zakaria: Incarceration nation

Even Pat Robertson sees the problem.

The Criminalization of Homelessness

A short essay on the criminalization of homelessness, with a focus on the inherent dignity of persons.

The real criminals in the Tarek Mehanna case

Glenn Greenwald’s introduction: “At some point in the future, I believe history will be quite clear about who the actual criminals are in this case: not Mehanna, but rather the architects of the policies he felt compelled to battle and the entities that have conspired to consign him to a cage for two decades”

Detroit Walkout: High School Students Suspended For Leaving School Start Freedom School

Detroit high school suspends 100 students for walk-out protest. Those kids respond by starting a Free School while they’re suspended.

How FBI Entrapment Is Inventing 'Terrorists'
The Anarchist Delusion

"I’m astounded that adults argue this so-called philosophy." There’s also a part 2 where you can learn about the silly notion of "libertarian/socialism":

Defining Property

Paul Graham on property. His idea of property as that which “works” is slowly getting back to Max Stirner’s common-sense definition: “Whoever knows how to take, to defend, the thing, to him belongs property.”

In Boston, Mitt Romney ‘evolved’ in Mormon leadership, some churchwomen say

Mormonism in Boston during the 70s and 80s

Confessions of an Ex-Mormon
Episode 712 - All About Mormons?

Transcript of the Mormon South Park episode.

Mormon Transhumanist Association

I’m pleased to discover that this is a thing.

Larry Norman: Rebellious, Reborn and Reissued : NPR

Larry Norman’s ‘666’ was the NPR song of the day June 5, 2008

Main Page | Musopen

A non-profit focused on improving access and exposure to music by creating free resources and educational materials. We provide recordings, sheet music, and textbooks to the public for free, without copyright restrictions. Put simply, our mission is to set music free.

Church of Scientology seeks higher profile in Denver with new church - The Denver Post

Denver’s Police Chief Robert White and Councilman Brooks praised the Church of Scientology at the opening of the church’s new Denver headquarters.

My body's regular tuneup: Citizen Science

A brief history of homebrew transhumanism, from computer hacking to grinding.

Occupy Philosophy!

“Run, philosophers, run (everyone else, too!) with whatever part of the anti-plutocracy message you find most urgent or salient; find whatever allies you can; make noise or pursue quiet changes as suits you and the means at hand.”

Monasticism and neoliberalism: On Agamben’s The Highest Poverty « An und für sich

“Franciscan poverty does not mean that the monk must make every effort to avoid owning any particular thing, but rather that the monk completely abdicates any right to claim ownership. They don’t just lack all possessions, they lack the very ability to "possess."”

Inklings: Field Guide To Simulationism

“The basic tenet of Simulationism — its 'Central Dogma' — is that the entire universe is nothing more than a simulation that’s been constructed by a highly intelligent being who resides in a place called Noumenal Reality”

Pat Robertson Backs Legalizing Marijuana -
Obama Blasts Obama's Evasive Stance On Gay Marriage | The Onion

"President Obama’s inability to simply state whether he’s for or against gay marriage is unacceptable," Obama said during a spirited 30-minute address in which he sharply criticized the president for failing time and again to articulate his beliefs.

Modern Camps: State of Exception, Bio-Political power, Homo Sacer: Camps Sovereign and Indefinite Detention
This is why we use the "left" qualifier | Social Memory Complex

“Without a concept of mutual aid, solidarity, and common struggle against an oppressive system, libertarianism is no more than a way to whitewash privilege and sweep injustice under the rug of 'free choice'. It’s not enough to defend a hollow freedom, because people need more than that. We can help each other achieve more than just freely choosing the best in a set of options the powerful and wealthy provide us.”

Meeting Pussy Riot | VICE

An English interview with some members of Pussy Riot, an anti-Putin, feminist-punk, Russian performance group. In Feburary several [alleged] members were arrested after the group performed a "punk prayer" in a Russian Orthodox church. Three members were convicted of "hooliganism" for the act and sentenced to two years imprisonment.

“An Open Letter to Barry Goldwater,” by Karl Hess (October 1969)

“And your old buddy Ronald Reagan! Now there’s a lesson in liberty for you. On one side of People’s Park there is the State of California with its right of eminent domain. It took the land. I would say it stole the land. How, I wonder, do you describe the right of eminent domain? On the other side are people who have an exotic notion about ownership. They don’t think it should be exercised at the point of a gun or a bayonet. They worked that land. They homesteaded it. They owned it in a sense far deeper than any government proclamation. Think of it that way: a scrap of government paper on one side; real people on the other, and your old friend Ronald Reagan, so help us, now supporting that scrap of paper against the people, with as much bloodcurdling diligence as any man you ever fought in the political arena. Senator, are you really sure you want to be a deputy sheriff for state power? That’s just what you are on the other side of the fence at the People’s Park!”

I tried to watch Game of Thrones and this is what happened - The Oatmeal

The Oatmeal explains why people who want to buy content pirate it instead.

Molinari Institute - Anti-Copyright Resources

Nice quote of Jefferson on patents

The FBI Seized a Mixmaster (Anonymous Email) Server Hosted by

I can see no point in this except to disrupt the activist groups who use the service.

Top changes in Tor since the 2004 design paper (Part 1) | The Tor Blog
Hats for the Homeless Pattern and Notes

A friend organized a project to crochet hats for the homeless (or other cold people) this winter. She gave us a simple hat pattern to learn, and these notes are my attempt to make sense of it and explain to other beginning crocheters

Berkeley Mayor Wants To Ban Sitting On Sidewalks

Don’t you just hate it when homeless people are always existing somewhere?

What is Georgism? Followed by a Refutation. PART I
The Dream of the 1890s: Why Old Mutualism Is Making a New Comeback

What we need more of is cooperatives.

Rent-Seeking, Public Choice, and The Prisoner's Dilemma

While I obviously disagree that economic rent is ever a good thing, this is a well presented introduction to rent-seeking. I also liked the same author’s (Dr. Ross) article presenting the classical-liberal view of the state ( There seem to be many interesting articles on this website.

Abolish Human Rentals

Mike Leung and David Ellerman’s page about wage slavery and worker cooperatives.

The Libertarian As Conservative by Bob Black

They don’t denounce what the state does, they just object to who’s doing it. This is why the people most victimized by the state display the least interest in libertarianism. Those on the receiving end of coercion don’t quibble over their coercers’ credentials. If you can’t pay or don’t want to, you don’t much care if your deprivation is called larceny or taxation or restitution or rent. If you like to control your own time, you distinguish employment from enslavement only in degree and duration.

“Public” vs. “Private” Sector
Protesters sleep on 16th Street Mall to highlight proposed Denver camping ban - The Denver Post
Just another Montreal protest

A cute story made up of photographs of little plastic people. I like how the ducks are wearing the red square… and how the anarchist saves the day :)

Anarchopanda Hugs the Front Lines of Montreal Student Protests

Good article about Montreal’s Anarchopanda. It turns out he’s a philosophy professor.

Occupy fights the law: Will the law win? -

A good rundown of several of the new and proposed anti-camping laws aimed at the homeless and the Occupy movement.

Nearly Eighty Arrested in San Francisco During 'First Real Occupation' of 2012

Give us this day our daily bread Ⓐnd forgive us our trespasses

National Lawyers Guild Fights for the Right to Occupy

Thank you, NLG!

Thank You, Anarchists
Urban camping: Occupy Denver protests precede council vote on ban

I’m the thumbnail image for this article!

Arrested At Occupy Wall Street: Faces Of Protest

A photo, quote, and brief bio of 20 people arrested at OWS. My favorite quote: “I think that everyone should be arrested at least once.”

Suppressing Dissent: Report Details NYPD Aggression, Use of Force Against Occupy Movement
Tim Pool Interviews Vermin Supreme

Vermin Supreme is a candidate for the President of the United States of America. Free ponies for all.

The radical right-wing roots of Occupy Wall Street

On Karl Hess’s move to the Left.

The Gospel or a Glock? [PDF]

By Andy Alexis-Baker of This paper is relevant to Christians beyond Anabaptists, and to people beyond Christians.

Patheos | Hosting the Conversation on Faith

This site aggregates some good religious content.

Mormon channel:
Atheist channel:

Nate Phelps AMA on Reddit

Nate Phelps, who left the Westboro Baptist Church when he was 18, answers redditors' questions

What do Pussy Riot and Jesus have in common? | Symon Hill

One of the Pussy Riot defenders, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, said at the trial yesterday, “We are freer than those who are prosecuting us. We can say everything we want, and they have their mouths shut and are puppets.” Every Christian in the world should be cheering her on.

Appeals Court Rejects California's Proposition 8

A three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit Court has issued an opinion affirming that California’s Proposition 8 is unconstitutional! From the majority (2-1) opinion: "The People may not employ the initiative power to single out a disfavored group for unequal treatment and strip them, without a legitimate justification, of a right as important as the right to marry."

The Occupiers: Protesters and Homeless People Share Public Parks

If nothing else, the Occupy protests have helped bring attention to laws aimed at criminalizing homelessness and the authoritarian restriction of public spaces.

The World is Your Oyster

No Border camp sticker from a 2009 Lesbos camp.

Border Patrol Attacks Demonstrators as No Borders Camp Closes

There was a No Borders camp at the US-Mexico border for five days in 2007! I wish I had been there. Though they did get beat up pretty bad by the US Border Patrol on the last day. Check out the videos. There is also a series of three videos on YouTube summarizing the entire event:

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:;

Occupy Denver Opposes Further Criminalizing Homelessness

This is the issue by which I became associated with Occupy Denver in the first place.

Just and Unjust War

Of everything Howard Zinn has written, this is my favorite.

Occupying the Courthouse

Once again, good on the NLG. Note the protesters in San Diego charged with felony conspiracy for interrupting a political speech.

I Was Wrong About Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell : hivster

“The reason I’m wrong isn’t because gay people shouldn’t join the Army. It’s because no-one should join the Army.”

What is Anarchy?

Anarchy is the radical notion that other people are not your property.

For the homeless, "urban camping" is no picnic

A glimpse at sleeping on Denver’s 16th Street Mall in face of the urban camping ban being discussed.

Chomsky: Occupy Wall Street "Has Created Something That Didn’t Really Exist" in U.S. — Solidarity

Chomsky’s assessment of Obama’s presidency: "In many ways, it’s a little worse than what I expected, but I didn’t expect anything."

Antiwar is the Health of the Anti-State Movement
Biggest Act of Civil Disobedience in Canadian History

Quebec criminalized protest in wake of the Montreal student strikes. This is how the people of Montreal responded.

The Trial of Susan B. Anthony for Illegal Voting
xkcd: Wake Up Sheeple

I went to a few protests/marches last fall associated with Occupy Denver. It seems like it’s always the guy with the megaphone who least represents everybody else present.

The case for Book of Mormon socialism

An article arguing that “Democratic socialism is the very essence of Mormon theology and scripture.” See also my list of Mormon anarchism links:

No One Is Illegal-Test Their Logik [video]

Rap song with great lyrics: “No one is illegal / We’re all people / We’re all equal / No borders / No fences / No nations / No prisons / No deportations”

Committee Against Political Repression

Updates on the Northwest grand jury investigations.

Cheap Signals: When a cult rules a town

Some comments on the FLDS theocracy in Colorado City in light of speculation that church members tortured a kitten.

I Was Arrested at Occupy Denver: A Brief Narrative and an Anarchist’s Perspective

My first experience being arrested and some comments on the liberal/radical divide within the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Cheap Signals: The blood footprint

Interesting thoughts on the unintended consequences of vegetarianism: killing animals to eat them versus killing animals to eat vegetables.

P.-J. Proudhon, "Catechism of Marriage"

“We have said that marriage is instituted for the sanctification of love: it is a pact of chastity, charity and justice, by which the spouses declare themselves publicly to be freed, both of them by one another, from the tribulations of the flesh and the cares of gallantry. Consequently, it is sacred to all and inviolable. That is why, apart from some stipulations of interest also require publicity, the family and the city appear in the ceremony: the engagement of the couple, made in view of Justice, carries farther than their persons; their conjugal conscience becomes part of the social conscience, and, as the marriage insures their dignity, it is for the society that proclaims it a glory and a progress.”

Lord Russell meet Lord Russell | Talking Philosophy

These guys think they’re so funny. “Here’s an exchange of letters between Russell and his namesake, Lord Russell of Liverpool, which took place in February 1959.”

Evan's Blog
The Left-Rothbardians, Part I: Rothbard

“I’d go Rothbard one further. Why is the criterion for de facto government status the amount of profits directly subsidized from state revenue? What about corporations that function within a web of state regulatory protections, and artificial property rights like Bill Gates’ ‘intellectual property,’ without which they couldn’t operate in black ink for a single day. Anyone who’s read much of my work for any length of time knows that I consider the entire Fortune 500 a pretty good proxy for such de facto branches of the state. As I already argued in an earlier post, the largest corporations are so intertwined with the state that the very distinction between ‘public’ and ‘private’ becomes meaningless.”

A Mexican Spring begins to blossom
The Elephant in the Room: The Police and the Occupy Movement | Dissident Voice

A good interview with Kristian Williams about abolishing the police and stuff.

My review of Francis Schaeffer's "A Christian Manifesto"
Civil disobedience in Hazzard County

Illustrating the difference between direct- and indirect-action.

14 Specific Allegations of NYPD Brutality During Occupy Wall Street

Police behaving poorly at political protests.

Obama’s Last, Desperate Attempt to Save Capitalism by Kevin Carson

"Fortunately, it won’t work. If you think the music industry has a hard time combating file-sharing, just wait till the old-line manufacturing companies try to prevent hundreds of thousands of hardware hackers in neighborhood garage factories from replicating 'pirated' industrial designs on CAD files from The Pirate Bay.

"This is a desperate, last-ditch effort by the rentier classes, the lords of scarcity who’ve lived off our sweat for five thousand years, to stave off their inevitable demise."

Green Party Candidates for President, Vice President Arrested at Presidential Debate | The Dissenter

Jill Stein pulled a Ralph Nader.

Spencer W. Kimball and the Complexities of Mormon Political Theology | There is Power in the Blog

“Mormonism is not so simple as a quirky version of American conservatism, and both Mormons themselves and their fellow Americans would do well to notice.”