"I’m sure the disinformed and the uninformed were also joined by a large number of misogynists, racists, white supremacists, and Christian nationalists, who truly believe in the program Trump is about to unveil. But a lot of Trump voters just haven’t been paying attention. And that includes a lot of Mormons. I refuse to call them Latter-day Saints, because there is nothing saintly about ignoring everything their religion teaches them, including specific instruction in the D&C about electing “honest men and wise men” and “good men” (D&C 98:10). None of these words describe Trump."
Fetzer recounts Tolstoy's few encounters with Mormonism. He discounts some of the claims Tolstoy is rumored to have made about the Mormon religion (like "If Mormonism is able to endure, unmodified, until it reaches the third and fourth generation,it is destined to become the greatest power the world has ever known"), and it is easy to see why, but his skepticism that an anti-capitalist like Tolstoy would admire the post-war church seems odd to me... the Mormon cooperative movement had died out by the 1890s, but surely its memory was not completely forgotten?
See also Susan McCloud's article in the Deseret News (21 September 2014), "Leo Tolstoy's view of Mormons as teaching 'The American Religion'":
A synthesis of news reports and other sources which provides a complete high-level view of the Texas FLDS raids and trials.
"In the late 1800’s, the Mormon pioneers, exiled to the Utah territory, implemented one of the largest experiments in cooperative living that the United States has ever known. They wanted to create a society with no rich and no poor."
Dyer Lum argues that the motivational force behind the Edmunds Anti-Polygamy Act is to crush the cooperative economy set up by Mormons in Utah.
"The spirit of Caesar, rendered powerless in religious systems, castrated of divine right in forms of political government, is entrenching itself in the economic system of the age. British and German empires, Spanish and Italian kingdoms, French and American republics, are but dead forms; the animating soul in each is the same. A common (economic) feeling has made them all akin. Statecraft exists for the furtherance of economic interests; forms of government are recognized as of secondary importance to "vested interests." Harrington's apothegm: 'Empire follows the balance of property,' is no longer disputable."
"Although the call that led Texas investigators to the ranch was proven to be a hoax, CPS removed 439 children as a precaution. The subsequent litigation to reunite the children with their families and the prosecution of 11 church members, including leader Warren Jeffs, dragged on for years. Ten of the 11 were convicted on child sexual assault charges."
This site aggregates some good religious content.
Mormon channel: http://www.patheos.com/Mormon.html
Atheist channel: http://www.patheos.com/Atheist.html
Mormonism in Boston during the 70s and 80s
An article arguing that “Democratic socialism is the very essence of Mormon theology and scripture.” See also my list of Mormon anarchism links: http://americancynic.net/log/2011/4/18/mormon_anarchism_/_some_links.html
Transcript of the Mormon South Park episode.
I’m pleased to discover that this is a thing.
Some comments on the FLDS theocracy in Colorado City in light of speculation that church members tortured a kitten.
“Mormonism is not so simple as a quirky version of American conservatism, and both Mormons themselves and their fellow Americans would do well to notice.”