microRevolt projects investigate the dawn of sweatshops in early industrial capitalism to inform the current crisis of global expansion and the feminization of labor
I think one reason the GameStop thing is fun is because it is apocalyptic in the sense that it reveals the hypocrisy and opt-in delusions of capitalism. I like this take:
"And the Redditors said, “Who cares? I don’t care about your equations. I don’t care about your valuation models. I’m going to make the price go up because all it is to me is a number on the screen.” So they just stripped all the pretense out of Wall Street and used that to expose it and to screw it."
"Basic income is a real shot at utopia. Basic jobs takes that energy and idealism, and redirects it to perpetuate some of the worst parts of the current system. It’s better than nothing. But not by much."
On the origin of the word 'capitalist'
Kapitalism101's Law of Value series (I've not read/watched all of these yet).
Duran successfully defrauded several Spanish banks of around 500,000 Euros by taking out loans and not paying them back.
'In 2014, the watchdog organization Verité released a study on migrant workers in the electronics sector in Malaysia. Among a sample of more than 400 foreign electronics workers, at least 32 percent were, by Verité’s definition, forced to work against their will. According to the report, “these results suggest that forced labor is present in the Malaysian electronics industry in more than isolated incidents, and can indeed be characterized as widespread.”'
The Verite's report: http://verite.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/VeriteForcedLaborMalaysianElectronics2014.pdf
Good episode of Nostalgia Trap with Yasmin from the Against Equality collective.
The new Inquiry's reading list "created by a group of Black, Brown, Indigenous, Muslim, and Jewish people who are writers, organizers, teachers, anti-fascists, anti-capitalists, and radicals" for the Trump era.
The first randomized trial of industrial employment on workers reveals that people DON'T like being coerced from their land to work in sweatshops. Surprise!
Some animations narrated with Libcom.org's "An Introduction to Capitalism"
An illustration of workers alienated from the products of their labour.
"This website is a work in progress. The aim is to create a more-or-less comprehensive index of claims that are made in defense of capitalism and a brief but thorough debunking of each."