Monthly Shaarli

All links of one month in a single page.

March, 2022

AntiJob: The Russian Anarchist Labor Site that Terrifies the Bosses

An interview with the Russian anarchists who run

John Pike - DavisWiki

John Pike ("Pepper Spray Cop," "Pepper Spraying Cop" or "Casually Pepper Spraying Everything Cop") was a lieutenant in the UC Davis Police Department. He gained notoriety for pepper spraying peaceful, sitting protesters during the UC Davis protest on Friday November 18.

The Ukraine invasion is nothing compared to Iraq
Larisa Arap - Wikipedia

Larisa Arap (Russian: Лари́са Ива́новна Ара́п; born in 1958) is a Russian opposition activist who became a victim of involuntary commitment in the psychiatric facilities of Murmansk and Apatity, soon after publishing her article about mistreatment of patients in the same hospital where she was committed in July, 2007. She was released after 46 days of confinement, on August 20, 2007.