Monthly Shaarli

All links of one month in a single page.

September, 2020

Mandaeism - Wikipedia

The religion founded by John the Baptist?

Was Jesus A Socialist? ❧ Current Affairs

I recently discovered Daniel Walden's book reviews on Current Affairs.

"the world at which we aim, the kingdom whose coming Christ proclaimed, will not settle our debts and contracts but abolish them completely; that even those who didn’t join the struggle until the eleventh hour will be welcome at the feast; that the moment at which love appears utterly defeated, when it looks to the world like a victim crucified by state violence, will in the end be revealed as love’s final, all-embracing triumph."

canon - Anarchy101

The Anarch101 subreddit's recommended reading list

The Bully’s Pulpit

David Graeber's essay in which he presents a triadic model of bullying.

"We should imagine instead a three-way relation of aggressor, victim, and witness, one in which both contending parties are appealing for recognition (validation, sympathy, etc.) from someone else. The Hegelian battle for supremacy, after all, is just an abstraction. A just-so story. Few of us have witnessed two grown men duel to the death in order to get the other to recognize him as truly human. The three-way scenario, in which one party pummels another while both appeal to those around them to recognize their humanity, we’ve all witnessed and participated in, taking one role or the other, a thousand times since grade school."

George Floyd protests - Wikipedia

Local protests began in the Minneapolis–Saint Paul metropolitan area of Minnesota before quickly spreading nationwide and in over 2,000 cities and towns in over 60 countries in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. Protests continued throughout June, July, and August, with polls at the time estimating that between 15 million and 26 million people had participated at some point in the demonstrations in the United States, making the protests the largest in United States history.

Charles Sheldon - Wikipedia

Charles Monroe Sheldon (February 26, 1857, Wellsville, New York – February 24, 1946, Topeka, Kansas) was an American Congregationalist minister and leader of the Social Gospel movement. His novel, In His Steps, introduced the principle of "What Would Jesus Do?" which articulated an approach to Christian theology that became popular at the turn of the 20th century and had a revival almost one hundred years later.

False Summit Club & 107 miles of the Superior Hiking Trail

This essay about quitting includes a beautiful map, a mileage summary, and some photos from the 100 mile hike in the Minnesota wilderness I did last year.

The Grill Pill: An Attainable Ideal in a Time of Political Polarization

On what it means to be grill pilled. "Basically, just a few people treating each other decently is about all we can hope for."

Current Affairs podcast: Josh Davis on Christian socialism

Pete Davis talks to Josh Davis of the newly-founded Institute for Christian Socialism. Together, they talk about the intertwined history of left movements and Christianity.

Is Plastic Recycling A Lie? Oil Companies Touted Recycling To Sell More Plastic : NPR

capitalism is exhausting:

"Industry documents from this time show that just a couple of years earlier, starting in 1989, oil and plastics executives began a quiet campaign to lobby almost 40 states to mandate that the symbol appear on all plastic — even if there was no way to economically recycle it."