Monthly Shaarli

All links of one month in a single page.

February, 2019

Obituary: He spent years fighting for the right to feed the homeless. Arnold Abbott dies at 94 | Miami Herald
Radical AZ: A Timeline of Direct Actions 2010-2018
No Place Left to Go: Business Districts Keep Homeless Populations on the Move

On how BIDs push for the criminalization of homelessness using Denver's urban camping ban and Downtown Denver Partnership as its primary example.

For a book-length treatment of this and similar issues, I recommend Randall Amster's Lost In Space: The Criminalization, Globalization, and Urban Ecology of Homelessness (2008) which examines the role BIDs play in criminalizing homelessness using the struggles over the sit-lie ordinances in Tempe, AZ, as a case study.

Why Are Young People Pretending to Love Work?

work is bad.

Christians for the Abolition of Prisons – Set the Prisoners Free—Luke 4:18

Happy to have recently discovered this website. "Christians for the Abolition of Prisons is an organization dedicated to prison abolitionist education and advocacy within the progressive church."

Johnny Hobo and the Freight Trains old angelfire page

"for the more lonely children of the revolution, who like their politics with a healthy dose of nihilism that alternately destroys and loves itself and the world."

Updated list of every folk punk band I can think of (with crappy descriptions)

list of folk punk bands on r/folkpunk

A Night Out with an Anarchist [2012]

"I introduced my anarchist friend to my other friends. This proved to be awkward."

#120 INVCEL by Reply All [podcast]

"How a shy, queer Canadian woman accidentally invented one of the internet’s most toxic male communities."

"The Matrix" is basically a sci-fi "Office Space"

"Office Space" is 'the Matrix' portion of "The Matrix" with every trace of the uncanny evacuated.

Syria from Revolution to Civil War

"In order to understand the nature of the Syrian conflict, it is essential that we remember the first years of the uprising, and, through remembering what took place between 2011 and 2014, dispel the myth that Syria has always been a proxy war or has always been a struggle between a secular government and jihadis. To ignore the years which lead Syria from a democratic uprising to a bloody proxy war is to read history backwards."

David Graeber - Syria, Anarchism and Visiting Rojava - YouTube

Graeber on the Rojava revolution.