Monthly Shaarli

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December, 2018

The Threat to Rojava: An Anarchist in Syria Speaks on the Real Meaning of Trump’s Withdrawal

"While authoritarians of various stripes seek to cloud the issue, giving a NATO member a green light to invade Syria is what is “pro-war” and “imperialist.” Speaking as an anarchist, my goal is not to talk about what the US military should do. It is to discuss how US military policy impacts people and how we ought to respond."

105 New York City Inmates Freed in Bail Reform Experiment - The New York Times

"The effort involved much more than just paying an individual’s bail. There were re-entry experts and social workers waiting at Rikers Island to meet those released and to immediately connect them with services."

donoteat this BONUS EPISODE 1: Black Wall Street

Nice video about the 1921 Tulsa race riots.

The Heresy of White Christianity

One of my favorite Chris Hedges articles I've read (though most of it is Cone quotes):

"The lynching tree is America’s cross. What happened to Jesus in Jerusalem happened to blacks in Arkansas, Mississippi, and Kentucky. Lynched black bodies are symbols of Christ’s body. If we want to understand what the crucifixion means for Americans today, we must view it through the lens of mutilated black bodies whose lives are destroyed in the criminal justice system. Jesus continues to be lynched before our eyes. He is crucified wherever people are tormented. That is why I say Christ is black."

Minneapolis ends single-family zoning, undoing a major component of housing segregation.

"By doing away with single-family zoning, the city takes on high rent, long commutes, and racism in real estate in one fell swoop."

The Yellow Vest Movement in France : Between "Ecological" Neoliberalism and "Apolitical" Movements

CrimethInc's analysis of the Yellow Vest movement and the conundrum it presents to anarchists.

The Philosophy of J.R.R. Tolkien: Why Things Keep Getting Worse – Wisecrack Edition

People are complaining in the comments, but I like that they left the connections to his christianity implicit.

Over 100 Inmates Were Bailed Out In The Largest Mass Bailout In History (HBO) - YouTube
Confessions of a Former Left-Wing Gun Nut

A pre-John Brown Gun Club activist on no longer liking guns.

Welcome to the Bread Book -

A nice open-source presentation of Kropotkin's The Conquest of Bread.

The Shocking Story of Vet Matt Poer's Taser Death in Elbert County

Good report on abusive Denver-area cops.

#4 Tubthumping by Surprisingly Awesome from Gimlet Media

"A 1990s pop hit reveals how the Adams feel about capitalism."

We want to riot, not to work: The 1981 Brixton uprisings

This is a good account of the 1981 Brixton riots (but leads to a page linking to a large 90MB PDF).

The Conscience of a Hacker by The Mentor (1986)

"The following was written shortly after my arrest..."

City of Oakland evicts homeless women's Housing and Dignity Village

A local news account of the eviction of the young Housing and Dignity Village in Oakland. (

More details reported in this Twitter thread:

Welcome to Joshua Tree. Sorry about the shutdown. Now, about the toilets …

Anarchy in Joshua Tree

Why you should give money directly and unconditionally to homeless people

"It is those same government-funded charities that push the narrative that “kindness kills” as they tout for your donations. Do not believe them. Apathy and austerity kill. Your kindness saves lives."

Mary’s ‘Magnificat’ in the Bible is revolutionary. Some evangelicals silence her

"Almost all of the popular evangelical songs that incorporate the Magnificat stop after the first few verses"

Of course there is the Psalters version:

On Yellow Vests, Unions, and Intellectuals

Uses Brazil's 2013 uprising as an example of how the labour union's fears of the far-right danger becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Home for the “Gilets Jaunes” Days

I enjoyed these first-person reflections by the author who was visiting her home in France during Acte IV of the protests.

Chumbawamba’s Long Voyage

This article by Aaron Lake Smith was one of the first I read on Jacobin, and still one of my favorites.

"There’s that song, the one about getting knocked down and then getting back up again, but their body of work is like an iceberg; the bulk of it is submerged below the surface, difficult to get a hold of."

Bird Bath: Electric scooters like Bird and Lime keep getting dumped in lakes and rivers.

I try to stay away from cities, but I was recently in both Phoenix and Denver and saw for the first time those electric scooters that are everywhere that you can rent with a phone app.