Monthly Shaarli

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May, 2018

Stabbed at a neo-Nazi rally, called a criminal: how police targeted a black activist | The Guardian

Donovan Ayres doing some bang-up police work for the racist faction of the California Highway Patrol.

"Michael German, a former FBI agent, said the Sacramento case was part of a pattern of police in the US siding with far-right groups and targeting their critics. 'They have been trained to look into these counter-protesters as if they are the primary threat.'"

Library Genesis: Karl Marx - Capital: Critique of Political Economy Volume 1

Library Genesis has a PDF of the Penguin Classics version (translated by Ben Fowkes) of Marx's Capital.

Disappeared: How the US Border Enforcement Agencies are Fueling a Missing Persons Crisis

A three-part report on the migration crisis at the US-Mexico border (Part III scheduled to be released this year). Each part accompanied by a video summary.

"The Disappeared report series is collaborative project between two Tucson-based organizations, La Coalicion de Derechos Humanos and No More Deaths. [...] . Our research goals are transformative: to expose and combat those US government policing tactics that cause the crisis of death and mass disappearance in the borderlands."

i really really hate folk punk

I came across this old archived vivalavinyl thread. I learned that even people who hated folk punk in 2005 still liked Erik Petersen and Defiance, Ohio.

Libertarian Left: Free-market anti-capitalism, the unknown ideal

Sheldon Richman got an introduction to the libertarian left and free-market anti-capitalism published on The American Conservative back in 2011.

Co-opting the counter culture: Troy Southgate and the National Revolutionary Faction [PDF]

A history of Troy Southgate's "national-anarchism" initiative. "Its importance lies in the case study it supplies of fascism as an amorphous and continually metamorphosing phenomenon." The paper concludes with a warning to anarchist activists they take care not to be national-Bolshevized.

Graham D Macklin. "Co-opting the counter culture: Troy Southgate and the National Revolutionary Faction." Patterns of prejudice 39, no. 3 (2005): 301-326.

A History of Modern Times

A short history of one of the utopian communes founded by American anarchist Josiah Warren.

Burger King sends a black homeless man to jail after he tries to buy breakfast with a $10 bill its worker thought was fake - The Washington Post

"Emory Ellis, who lived on the streets in Boston, ventured into a Burger King in November 2015 to buy breakfast.

"He left the restaurant under arrest, wrongfully accused of trying to pay for his meal with a fake $10 bill. He spent more than three months in jail."

Why was this man arrested for giving water to migrants crossing the border?

Scott Warren was arrested after he helped migrants – but he’s a humanitarian aid worker trying to save lives in a place where so many find death.

Scott is the ninth No More Deaths volunteer to be arrested for giving water to thirsty migrants.

Naming law - Wikipedia

I had no idea some European countries regulated baby names to such a degree (maintaining white lists and requiring names to be indicative of gender).

Atypical anarchist [2013]

Toledo City Paper's profile of a local anarchist activist (not sure what the "atypical" part is supposed to be).

Black activist jailed for his Facebook posts speaks out about secret FBI surveillance

An example of the FBI, in collaboration with a judicial system unable or unwilling to protect individuals' constitutional rights, taking it upon themselves to punish an activist.

My Effing First Amendment - This American Life

This American Life did a good bit on a free speech kerfuffle at the University of Nebraska where a sincere and sympathetic teenager tabling for the right-wing Turning Point USA was confronted and berated by a staff member/grad student for being a 'neofascist Becky'. But the program does not merely paint TPUSA in a sympathetic light, it also points out some ways in which the rights of white students are disproportionately protected.

The program also strongly implies that the grad student in question (who was removed from her teaching position after the incident) is affiliated with the activist group (or 'brand' for lack of a better term) called Betsy Riot. It looks like a liberal antifascist and anti-gun group which describes its members as "feminist patriots" and "punk patriots" (so maybe emphasis on the liberal).

Disaster capitalism: Paintings of Chase Bank burning

"Los Angeles area artist Alex Schaefer has a sideline that has won him a fair bit of attention over the years. He likes to paint canvases of bank branches—most often Chase Bank—engulfed in flames."

Mapping Who Lives in Border Patrol's '100-Mile Zone' - CityLab

"the border zone is home to 65.3 percent of the entire U.S. population, and around 75 percent of the U.S. Hispanic population"

Footage of Border Patrol Vandalism of Humanitarian Aid, 2010-2017 - YouTube
About No More Deaths

Looks like a good organization. They've published several reports on the mistreatment of migrants by law enforcement at the Mexican border.

"No More Deaths is a humanitarian organization based in southern Arizona. We began in 2004 in the form of a coalition of community and faith groups, dedicated to stepping up efforts to stop the deaths of migrants in the desert and to achieving the enactment of a set of Faith-Based Principles for Immigration Reform."

Enlightened By Love: The LIfe and Thought of Simone Weil

I'm currently listening to this radio series by David Cayley on Simone Weil (nearly 5 hours total length).

Rebranding Fascism: National-Anarchists

This essay by Spencer Sunshine is over ten years old now, but still very informative on national-anarchism and other attempts at fascist use of leftist ideas.

"The danger National-Anarchists represent is not in their marginal political strength, but in their potential to show an innovative way that fascist groups can rebrand themselves and reset their project on a new footing."

Charles Dickens' Sledge Hammer for the Poor Man's Child - YouTube

Some background on Dickens' concern for the plight of English working conditions.

Josiah Warren, a Most Unlikely Internationalist – The Libertarian Labyrinth

Josiah Warren's brief affiliation with the IWA.