Monthly Shaarli

All links of one month in a single page.

January, 2018

Jeffrey Lewis - A Brief History of Communism (Parts I-III) - YouTube

It's still good.

Garden hermit - Wikipedia

"Garden hermits or ornamental hermits were hermits encouraged to live in purpose-built hermitages, follies, grottoes, or rockeries on the estates of wealthy land-owners, primarily during the 18th century. Such hermits would be encouraged to dress like druids and remain permanently on-site, where they could be fed, cared-for and consulted for advice or viewed for entertainment."

Episode 22: Trumpwashing -- How the Media Uses Trump to Launder Our Criminal Past by Citations Needed Podcast

Episode of the Citations Needed podcast on the trope of using Trump to justify the more subtle version of the same thing.

"The desire to revamp the image of the pre-Trump Republican party and the United States in general – a concept Ali Abunimah coined “Trumpwashing” - is a favorite rhetorical tic of Russia-obsessed democrats and centrist extremists who’s primary charge is treating the phenomenon of Donald Trump as anomalous from American history, rather than its most pure, and even logical, manifestation."

Denver Park Rangers Take Sleeping Bag, Tent from Houseless Man in 25 Degree Weather - UNICORN RIOT

"The park rangers took Jackson’s sleeping bag, blankets, and his tent, yet left all of his other property on the ground. Jackson and his comrades believe the park rangers only took the survival gear to force them into shelters or force them to move farther out of sight and out of mind."

Caliban and the Witch Reviewed in Upping The Anti

Good review of Caliban and the Witch by Karl Kersplebedeb.

Tech Bro Guru: Inside the Sedona Cult of Bentinho Massaro

A portrait of cult leader Bentinho Massaro (who I'd never heard of before) by Be Scofield who spent a month with the cult in Sedona. I think Scofield over-emphasizes the tech/startup angle... since when does having a website and an instagram account qualify as a "brilliant" use of technology? It's like the commentators who still can't get over that ISIS members use Twitter.

Scofield's description does certainly paint Massaro as a typical narcissist guru. Why does there always seem to be a few thousand people in Boulder and Sedona who feel a need to be financially fleeced and abusively told what to believe by an unrepentant liar? (I guess if the 2016 election is an indication, it's not a phenomenon limited to New Age hotspots.)