Monthly Shaarli

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August, 2017

Antifa: A Look at the Antifascist Movement Confronting White Supremacists in the Streets | Democracy Now!

Good interview with Mark Bray on Democracy Now! in which he does the important work of correcting the liberal media's pronunciation of antifa (seriously, while I'm sure there's a lot of regional variation in pronunciation, every time I hear anTEEfa I can't help but think the speaker is an uninformed pundit (like "Black Block Anarchist" after Seattle '99). Amy Goodman even changed her pronunciation at the end of the clip, because she's a pro).

Part 2 is here:

He also has an article up on the WaPo website called "Who are the antifa?":

Charlottesville: Race and Terror – VICE News

Good footage of the racist march and rally in Charlottesville, includes interviews with Christopher Cantwell and some of the other Fascists involved.

Syria the Latest Case of US ‘Stumbling’ Into War | FAIR

"One of the most common tropes in US media is that the US military always goes to war reluctantly—and, if there are negative consequences, like civilian deaths, it’s simply a matter of bumbling around without much plan or purpose."

Alleged driver of car that plowed into Charlottesville crowd was a Nazi sympathizer, former teacher says - The Washington Post

"Asked by a reporter in New Jersey whether he wanted the support of white nationalists, dozens of whom wore red Make America Great Again hats during the Charlottesville riots, Trump did not respond."