Monthly Shaarli

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December, 2014

Gene Sharp: The Machiavelli of non-violence
Agamben on State Power and "Bare Life" | Against the Grain: A Program about Politics, Society and Ideas

Adam Kotsko talks about several of Agamben's ideas

Emma Goldman - Wikipedia

Emma Goldman is a featured article on Wikipedia

An Explanation of Anarcho-Monarchist Distributism - YouTube

I thought this video was a good presentation of something that sounds so silly on its face ("anarcho-monarchism"). I'll always have a fondness for Distributism because it was reading GK Chesterton in high school that first got me interested in anti-capitalist thought. I've since realized that the libertarian socialist traditions make Distributism superfluous. But while I'd rather they keep their bourgeois families, kings, and popes to themselves... I'd be happy with three acres and a cow.

Never punch down
Who Killed Eric Garner? | Jacobin

Eric Garner’s murder is not only about the justice system. It’s about how capitalism creates racialized categories of “surplus” people.

The Kingdom of God Is Within You: Or, Christianity Not as a Mystical Teaching but as a New Concept of Life | The Anarchist Library
Kate Sharpley Library

"The Kate Sharpley Library exists to preserve and promote anarchist history. We preserve the output of the anarchist movement, mainly in the form of books, pamphlets, newspaper, leaflets and manuscripts but also badges, recordings, photographs etc."

Hunting Badger: police offer £10,000 reward after Bristol anarchist attacks

Authorities link 100 acts of vandalism and arson to activists but anarchists claim city’s alternative lifestyles are real target

Anarchy and Organization

"There is another myth that needs to be exploded -- the myth that social revolutions are made by tightly disciplined cadres, guided by a highly centralized leadership. All the great social revolutions are the work of deep-seated historic forces and contradictions to which the revolutionary and his organization contributes very little and, in most cases, completely misjudges, The revolutions themselves break out spontaneously. [...] If a revolutionary organization is not structured to dissolve into the popular forms created by the revolution once its function as a catalyst is completed; if its own forms are not similar to the libertarian society it seeks to create, so that it can disappear into the revolutionary forms of the future -- then the organization becomes a vehicle for carrying the forms of the past into the revolution. It becomes a self perpetuating organism, a state machine that, far from "withering away", perpetuates all the archaic conditions for its own existence."

New Atheism, Old Empire | Jacobin

"Beneath its superficial rationalism, then, the New Atheism amounts to little more than an intellectual defense of empire and a smokescreen for the injustices of global capitalism. It is a parochial universalism whose potency lies in its capacity to appear simultaneously iconoclastic, dissenting, and disinterested, while channeling vulgar prejudices, promoting imperial projects, and dressing up banal truisms as deep insights."

Tomgram: Adam Hochschild, Thank You for Making War! | TomDispatch

Adam Hochschild on subversive acts of peace

Biblical selections- Sabbath, Sabbatical, and Jubilee [PDF]

A handy collection of verses.

Darren Wilson Ain't No Ham Sandwich: Prosecutorial Manipulation of a Flawed Grand Jury System | Kris Hermes

Good article on prosecutors' use of grand juries to avoid indicting cops (which was written before the non-indictments in the Michael Brown and Eric Garner cases).

If your ministry involves ‘restoring’ an unjust illusion of ‘peace,’ then your ministry is a lie

Yet the Billy Graham team seems to think that peace is something that can be “restored” in Ferguson. They seem to think that “peace” is somehow an accurate description of Ferguson, Missouri, before the protests began. They seem to be so thick-headed and thick-hearted that they think the people’s response to the violence and injustice done against them is somehow the reason Ferguson lacks “peace.”

Totally Pointless - STRIKE!

Strike! Magazine's Totally Pointless Policing posters. Nice propaganda in the UK.

An Introduction To Capitalism - YouTube

Some animations narrated with's "An Introduction to Capitalism"

LA Riots - Then & Now | LA Weekly

"For more than two weeks in the spring of 1992, L.A. Weekly photographer Ted Soqui put his life at risk as he drove from one ravaged neighborhood to another to document the fallout of the Los Angeles riots, also known as the Los Angeles Uprising. He spotted torched buildings by following plumes of smoke in the sky. "And there was no shortage of smoke," Soqui says, "dark smoke."

"He rephotographed those sites 20 years later, standing in the very same locations where he'd stood in 1992. Soqui's before-and-after imagery gives silent testament to how much has changed - and how little."

In Defense of Looting – The New Inquiry

This is by far the best defense of looting I have read today.

the non-anarchist

Here's a blogger who does not like anarchism, does like making fun of anarchists, is a good writer, and has posted a nice list of books critical of anarchism which I should read some day.

Show your support! Agamben and empty political gestures | An und für sich

"Our moral standing is reduced to what we “support.” We are good or bad people, in the eyes of whichever circle we choose, based on whether we hold the correct opinions or not, “support” the appropriate causes or not. When we seek to create moral and political change, we are always working on the level of opinions — using persuasion to get someone to switch their “support” over to our cause."

Learning From Ferguson by Peter Gelderloos
Yo también soy anarquista: A spanish pandora | Autonomies
I'm an Anonymous hacker in prison, and I am not a crook. I'm an activist | Jeremy Hammond | Comment is free | The Guardian

The anti-government message of Anonymous rings true among prisoners who have been railroaded, condemned and warehoused. So when they hear about hacked government websites and cops getting doxed, my fellow inmates often tell me things like, “It’s good to see people finally doing something about it.”

How Can We Stop Cops from Beating and Killing? by Molly Crabapple

"In order to end police violence, we have to start considering abolition [of the police]," she said. "At the very least, we are going to need to work on getting the cops 'out of our heads and our hearts.' As individuals and communities, we have to actively unlearn our fear of the police and also diminish our dependence on them."

My Whole Foods nightmare: How a full-time job there left me in poverty -

(I can't see how the title matches the article at all. But the article is worth reading; it's about Whole Foods workers in CA organizing with the IWW.)

"Organizing with the radical-syndicalist union, the Industrial Workers of the World, Whole Foods employees are shunning traditional unions that represent the majority of workers at Safeway, Alberson’s and other national grocers. In doing so, they have given up access to the deep pockets of United Grocery Workers and the like, but have the added agility to stealthily maneuver. The IWW is also the only union to have successfully created union shops at Starbucks."

Whatever It May Take: On the Police Murder of Eric Garner

"I will remember Eric Garner, I will remember the slain. I will not forget the killers with badges, that which protects them, that which deploys them, or that which they enforce. I will not merely endure in the face of these intolerable harms, even if my skin tone affords me merely a fraction the risk of a black man. In fact, may that galvanize me to not retreat quietly into comfort and complicity."