Monthly Shaarli

All links of one month in a single page.

April, 2014

A libertarian move to build a new society – Livia Gershon – Aeon

I quite enjoyed this piece of journalism on the American libertarian movement. I liked how the author used Déjacque as the communist foil to the "libertarian" capitalists of the Cato Institute. I guess she chose him because he coined the term "libertarian," but it's good to see a crazy anarchist who was not sexist like Proudhon or already well-known like Kropotkin get some mention.

Failure to Convict NATO 3 Protesters as Terrorists Undermines Broader Police Entrapment Trend | Kris Hermes

"The trial revealed that CPD infiltrators Mehmet Uygun and Nadia Chikko, known to the activists as 'Mo' and 'Gloves,' helped plan and instigate the crimes. They plied the defendants with alcohol, getting them drunk on multiple occasions, helped purchase gasoline for the Molotov cocktails, and even cut up a bandanna to use as a wick."

Ludlow: One hundred years of silence | The Colorado Independent

"Unless you’re a southern Coloradan with roots in the area, or a union member well-versed in the hard-fought rights of fellow workers or a history buff who has delved into books on the topic, you could easily not know that in the height of the so-called Progressive Era, the state of Colorado killed scores of strikers at the behest of the world’s richest family. Most U.S. history schoolbooks don’t mention Ludlow. Those that do generally treat it as a blip."

New Statesman | H G Wells: “It seems to me that I am more to the Left than you, Mr Stalin”

Josef Stalin interviewed by HG Wells [1934].

I loved reading this interview. I've never read Stalin before (partly because I find his politics to be atrocious), but it turns out he was very good at explaining Marxism; and Wells, with his "Anglo-Saxon Socialism" and mishmash of liberal sociology and worship of order for the sake of order, was very good at making Marxism sound appealing.


Update on Tacoma Hunger Strike |

"This weekly round of deportations at the NWDC comes as Ramon Mendoza Pascual and J. Cipriano Rios Alegria continue their hunger strike in medical isolation, under solitary confinement sentences."

Judicial Incentives: Why Judges Won’t Condemn Cops (Update) | Simple Justice

"The only player in the game unworthy of “civil” is the defendant, because the object of the game is to put him in prison. And that’s why judges don’t find cops to be liars. It’s the same reason judges grow disgusted with criminal defense lawyers who won’t let the wheels of justice grind smoothly. We mess up the game."

Texas police officer lays out biblical case for killing -

“The Scriptures are clear that God condones the use of deadly force in killing whenever we are threatened,” Eipper said.

I'm Keith Forsyth, I broke into the FBI in 1971, and helped uncover COINTELPRO and take down Hoover. Ask me anything. : reddit

"In 1971, I was part of a group of activists called the Citizens' Commission to Investigate the FBI who broke into a small FBI field office in Media, PA. I trained myself as a locksmith and used tools I made to pick the lock to the office door."

"As a group, our goal was strictly to reveal to the public what those inside the movement already knew from first-hand experience: the FBI was not fighting crime they were fighting change."

This Day in WikiLeaks

"This Day in WikiLeaks was created on November 8, 2011 as a daily blog for news related to WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, and other matters of transparency, whistleblowing, and surveillence. Its mission is to create an accessible, regular, and accurate source for WikiLeaks news."

Sex Work Wars: Project ROSE, Monica Jones and the Fight for Human Rights

"The drawbacks of using police sweeps to deliver people to social services are especially relevant in Arizona, where the length of mandatory jail sentences start at 15 days and increase each time a sex worker is convicted."

The American Conservative - Ideas Over Ideology, Principles Over Party

I keep finding quality articles here. Paleoconservative is the best kind of conservative.

Hobbes Was Right: Anarchy Sucks

Hobbes was right. Without the government monopoly on violence, life is nasty brutish and short. The moral of Takhar Province: it is the fear of the greater power of the state that keeps us in line. The moral of Beirut: injustice is better than Civil War. The moral of New York: abandoning state control is a political decision, as is reclaiming it. The moral of Basra: the return of stability will be welcomed everyone of no matter what political affiliation, except perhaps the gunmen.

List of online encyclopedias - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"This is a list of notable online encyclopedias that are accessible on the Internet."

Capitalism in the 21st Century - Comic by Matt Bors
Chasing Anarchists: May Day and the Federal Government's Use of Grand Juries as Political Counterintelligence
Texas Seizes Polygamist Group's Ranch in West Texas | The Texas Tribune

"Although the call that led Texas investigators to the ranch was proven to be a hoax, CPS removed 439 children as a precaution. The subsequent litigation to reunite the children with their families and the prosecution of 11 church members, including leader Warren Jeffs, dragged on for years. Ten of the 11 were convicted on child sexual assault charges."

‘NATO 3′ Sentenced to More Jail Time After Prosecutors Rabidly Invoke Boston Bombing | The Dissenter

Judges, prosecutors, and police who invoke the fear of violence to commit their monstrous acts of violence are incredible hypocrites.

George D. Watt - Wikipedia

Here's an interesting fellow. Watt became the first British convert to Mormonism by winning a foot race, he was a writer of Pitman shorthand and took down and edited several volumes of Brigham Young's sermons, he invented a phonetic orthography called the Deseret alphabet, and he had six wives. He was excommunicated from the church after joining the Godbeites.

The Ludlow Massacre Still Matters : The New Yorker

100 years ago today in Ludlow, Colorado.


Why solitary confinement degrades us all – Lisa Guenther

"as long as our own freedom is secured through the segregation of others, into concrete abysses – even, or especially, if these others remain invisible to us – it is a false sense of freedom, and it diminishes our own capacities for critical awareness."

Some Examples of DMCA Abuse | Copyhype

Ha. I had no idea Grooveshark depends on DMCA's safe harbour provisions. I assumed they had some sort of clever licensing scheme worked out with music publishers.

How Americans Die

Pretty animated graphs! Suicide has become the number one violent cause of death.

3 Quarks Daily

3 Quarks Daily is one of my favorite link-aggregator logs on all of the internet. It is strange and charming, and, um, top-ish. They post a lot of poetry, but that's usually easy to ignore. On Monday's they post original content.

Exclusive: Inmates to strike in Alabama, declare prison is “running a slave empire” -

The fact that this guy is talking to Salon on a cellphone while in solitary gives me the impression that the Free Alabama Movement has done some impressive pre-strike organizing.

The 1% wants to ban sleeping in cars – because it hurts their 'quality of life' |

LA and Palo Alto have joined the list of cities where it is illegal to sleep in a car.

Investigation Continues Into Homeless Man Killed by Police in Hollywood | NBC Southern California

LAPD shot to death a homeless man in Hollywood while I was writing my essay about police who kill the homeless.

Refugee facing deportation from Sweden saved by fellow passengers refusing to let plane leave - The Independent

"A man facing deportation from Sweden has been granted a temporary reprieve after fellow passengers aboard his flight to Iran prevented it from taking off by refusing to fasten their seat belts."

Robert Paul Wolff's review of Thomas Piketty's "Capital in the Twenty-First Century"

Piketty's "Capital" has been getting a lot of attention. It sounds interesting and like he has done the tedious empirical work that I would never do. I'll have to read it... after I finally read Graeber's "Debt".

This is a link to the first of a four-part review. Find the next three parts immediately following it in Wolff's weblog archives.

Anarchism of-by-for Fools | What's Left?

A trio of essays against "anarcho-capitalism" and "national-anarchism".

The Insiders Economic Dictionary | Michael Hudson

Michael Hudson defines some terms.

Arrests and Pepper Spray at Denver Anonymous Police Brutality Protest

The Denver Post also reports "Six arrested in downtown Denver Protest":

There was also a "not one more deportation" pro-immigration march scheduled earlier in the afternoon on Saturday, but I haven't seen any reporting on it. I guess no one got arrested.

Small Business Still Manages To Mistreat Workers Like Large Corporate Chain - YouTube

"Employees at Gillman's Hardware confirmed Monday that despite the company's small size, single location, and the fact that it has been family owned and operated for over 35 years, it still manages to treat its staff as if they worked at a faceless multinational chain."

Spain's 'Robin Hood' swindled banks to help fight capitalism | The Guardian

This sort of thing is tempting -- but it's also a lot like providing your identification before robbing a bank. Still, he's not in jail yet!

NATO prosecution shows Alvarez was on a real tear: Brown - Chicago Sun-Times

"And I was struck anew that this case was all talk, talk, talk. Church said this. Chase said that. Betterly said this (although not much.) Right up until at the prompting of the undercover officers they poured some gasoline in some beer bottles and stuffed a torn rag in the top, they hadn’t committed any crime.

"What they would have done with those “Molotov cocktails”— a scary word for a weapon that any dumb kid can make at home as many have — we’ll never know. But I will always believe the NATO 3 never posed as great a threat to the freedom of the people of Chicago as those who assigned police officers to infiltrate dissident political groups in search of potential “criminals”— and by those who chose to define those criminals as terrorists."

History News Network | Why the Ugly Rhetoric Against Gay Marriage Is Familiar to this Historian of Miscegenation

The late Peggy Pascoe is the author of "What Comes Naturally: Miscegenation Law and the Making of Race in America," an award-winning history of miscegenation law. In this essay she points out some of the parallels between the fight for racial equality and the fight for sexual equality under marriage law:

"I would argue that it is virtually impossible to understand the current debate over same-sex marriage without first understanding the history of American miscegenation laws and the long legal fight against them, if only because both supporters and opponents of same-sex marriage come to this debate, knowing or unknowingly, wielding rhetorical tools forged during the history of miscegenation law. The arguments white supremacists used to justify for miscegenation laws--that interracial marriages were contrary to God's will or somehow unnatural--are echoed today by the most conservative opponents of same-sex marriage."

Google, once disdainful of lobbying, now a master of Washington influence - The Washington Post

And don't forget how Google illegally conspired with Apple and Intel and friends to suppress wages:

(Also, I like how Google's top lobbyist, Molinari, shares the name of the originator of market anarchism:

The Police Raided My Friend's House Over a Parody Twitter Account | VICE

"Yes, the cops raided Daniel’s home because they wanted to find out who was behind @peoriamayor, an account that had been shut down weeks ago by Twitter. When it was active, Daniel used it to portray Jim Ardis, the mayor of Peoria, as a weed-smoking, stripper-loving, Midwestern answer to Rob Ford. The account never had more than 50 followers, and Twitter had killed it because it wasn't clearly marked as a parody."

Devour Borders: Mexican food as revolutionary praxis

"Mexican food was also associated with anarchism and union organizing. Tamale vendors were blamed for the Christmas Day Riot of 1913, when police raided a labor rally in Los Angeles Plaza. Milam Plaza in San Antonio, where the chili queens worked in the 1920s, was a prominent recruiting ground for migrant workers. Customers could eat their chili while listening to impassioned speeches by anarcho-syndicalists of the [Industrial] Workers of the World and the Partido Liberal Mexicano."

Homage to Catalonia, by George Orwell

Here is a nice online/ebook version of Orwell's Homage to Catalonia. I've started reading this on my Kindle.

Feeding the Homeless Appears to Be Illegal in Raleigh, NC | Rev. Hugh Hollowell

"On that morning three officers from Raleigh Police Department prevented us from doing our work, for the first time ever. An officer said, quite bluntly, that if we attempted to distribute food, we would be arrested."

Statue Of A Homeless Jesus Startles A Wealthy Community : NPR

That's right. Somebody called the cops on Jesus.

It wouldn't be the first time.

USDOJ: Justice Department Releases Investigative Findings on Albuquerque Police Department

"today the Justice Department announced its findings that the Albuquerque Police Department (APD) has engaged in a pattern or practice of excessive force that violates the Constitution and federal law."

Cameras Weren’t Enough to Stop the Albuquerque Police from Killing a Mentally Ill Homeless Man | VICE
Giorgio Agamben „Homo Sacer” « Reading is the key

This outline provides a good summary of the first volume of Giorgio Agamben's homo sacer project. But it doesn't include any quotations from the werewolf chapter, which was one of my favorites.

The FBI's Failed Two-Year Campaign Against a Group of Nonviolent Activists in the Midwest | VICE

"The purpose of the investigation, of course, may just have been to discourage activism, but in this case it had the opposite effect: People were inspired by the activists’ refusal to testify against one another in the face of what even four years ago looked to be a clear instance of a law enforcement agency overreaching."