Monthly Shaarli

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May, 2013

transformation problem |

An explanation of the Transformation Problem by mikus at the libcom forums.

New Poll Finds 86 Percent Of Americans Don't Want To Have A Country Anymore | The Onion
Jerry Resists

"This grand jury, like the ongoing targeting of anarchists in the Pacific Northwest, is part of a new, escalating wave of repression against anarchists nationwide, who are being persecuted specifically for their political beliefs and practices. It is no coincidence that the government would try to silence Jerry, as he has been an effective and tireless legal advocate for anarchists, Occupy Wall Street protesters, and others expressing political dissent."

The NLG Stands with Workers and Immigrants on May Day | National Lawyers Guild

I love the NLG:

One of the aspects of the NLG that distinguishes us from most other legal associations is the class analysis we bring to our work within the law. As the preamble to our constitution states, we strive to be an “effective political and social force in the service of the people, to the end that human rights shall be regarded as more sacred than property interests.” This commitment to prioritizing the rights of people over property interests means that the Guild consistently represents workers in disputes with their bosses and supports movements struggling against economic exploitation and inequality.

Illegalism » Freedom Press

A refreshingly balanced look at illegalism and its history: "Illegalist actions resonate beyond anarchists and into wider society, partly due to their often daring nature, serving to shock and inspire."

Kelefa Sanneh: David Graeber and the Anarchist Revival : The New Yorker

I love the New Yorker for still using diaeresis. I also liked this article despite its sometimes snarky dismissal of anarchism. Or maybe because of the cynicism