Daily Shaarli

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October 3, 2020

Rising Above the Herd: Keith Preston's Authoritarian Anti-Statism

Maybe too focused on Preston specifically, but I think this 2011 article is a good reminder for libertarians that not all decentralism is liberating.

Preston's (2-part) response is here: https://attackthesystem.com/2011/06/28/a-reply-to-matthew-lyons-part-two-the-subjectivity-of-authoritarianism-and-special-pleading-as-ideology/

CrimethInc. : Say You Want an Insurrection

This friendly criticism of "insurrectionary anarchism" from a 2010 issue of Rolling Thunder is good and I think can almost act as an introduction to anarchism in general. So far my favorite CrimethInc thing I've read.